
  1. G. Birkhoff and R.E. Lynch, Numerical Solution of Elliptic Problems, Philladelfia, PA:SIAM, 1984.
  2. L.A. Hageman and D.M. Young, Applied Iterative Methods, New York, Academic Press, 1981.
  3. R.S. Varga, Matrix Iterative Analysis, Englewood Cliffs, N5, Prentice Hall, 1962.
  4. D.M. Young, Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems, New York, NY, Academic Press, 1981.
  5. N.M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans, The extrapolated Successive Overrelaxation (ESOR) Method for consistently ordered matri ces, Intern. J.Math. and Math. Sciences, 7, No. 2, 361-370, 1984.
  6. N.M. Missirlis, Converence theory of extrapolated iterative methods for a certain class of non-symmetric linear systems. Numerisch Math. 45, 447-458, 1984.
  7. N.M. Missirlis, and D.J. Evans, The Preconditioned Simulta- neous Displacement Method (PSD) for elliptic difference equations, MACS, 22, No.3, 256-263, 1980.
  8. L.M. Adams and H.F. Jordan, Is SOR color blind? SIAM.J.Sci. Stat. Comput. Vol. 7, 490-506, 1986.
  9. J.M. Ortega, Introduction to Parallel and Vector Solution of Linear Systems, NY., Plenum, 1987.
  10. J.M. Ortega and R.G. Voigt, Solution of PDE's on vector and parallel computers, SIAM Review, Vol. 27, 149-240, 1985.
  11. D.J. Evans and N.M Missirlis "The Modified Alternating Direction Preconditioning method for the numerical solution of elliptic selfadjoint Partial Differential Equations", BIT, 9, 172-185, 1979.
  12. N.M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans "The Preconditioned Simultaneous Displacement Method (PSD method) for elliptic difference equations", MACS, 22, No. 3, 256-263, 1980.
  13. D.J. Evans and N.M. Missirlis "On the acceleration of the Preconditioned Simultaneous Displacement method", MACS, 23, No. 2, 191-198, 1981.
  14. D.J. Evans, E.A. Lipitakis and N.M. Missirlis "On sparse and compact preconditioned conjugate gradient meyhods for partial differential equations", Intern. J. Computer Math., 9, Section B, 55- 80, 1981.
  15. N.M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans "On the dynamic acceleration of the Preconditioned Simultaneous Displacement (PSD) method", Intern. J. Computer Math., 10, 153-176, 1981.
  16. N.M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans "On the convergence of some generalized preconditioned iterative methods", SIAM J. Num. Anal., 18, No. 4, 591-596, 1981.
  17. D.J. Evans and N.M. Missirlis "On the preconditioned Jacobi method for solving large linear systems", Computing, 19, 167-173, 1982.
  18. N.M. Missirlis "Convergence of a parallel Jacobi-type method", Intern., J. Computer Math., 14, 371-384, 1983.
  19. N.M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans "The Modified Preconditioned Displacement (MPSD) method", MACS, 26, 257-262, 1984.
  20. D.J. Evans and N.M. Missirlis "Block Preconditioned iterative methods", Intern., J. Computer Math., 15, 77-95, 1984.
  21. N.M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans "The Extrapolated Successive Overrelaxation (ESOR) method for consistently ordered matrices", Intern. J. Math. and Math. Sciences, 7, No. 2, 361-370, 1984.
  22. N.M. Missirlis "A parallel iterative system solver", Linear Algebra and its Appl., 65, 25-44, 1985.
  23. N.M. Missirlis "The extrapolated first order method for solving systems with complex eigenvalues", BIT, 24, 357-365, 1984.
  24. N.M. Missirlis "Convergence theory of extrapolated iterative methods for a certain class of non-symmetric linear systems", Numerisch Mathematik, 45, 447-458, 1984.
  25. M. Hatzopoulos and N.M. Missirlis "Advantages for solving linear systems in an asynchronous environment", J. of Comp. and Appl. Math., 12 and 13, 331-340, 1985.
  26. N. M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans "A comparison of rates of convergence for the modified alternating direction preconditioning (MADP) method", MACS, 27, 373-382, 1985.
  27. N.M. Missirlis "Scheduling parallel iterative methods on multiprocessor systems", Parallel Computing 8, 295-302, 1987.
  28. N.M. Missirlis and L. Boukas "Parallel solution of elliptic PDE's on a mesh network of transputers", IEEE Parallel and Distributed (submitted).
  29. N.M. Missirlis and F.I. Tjaferis "A parallel iterative method for solving linear systems on a shared memory MIMD computer", under revision in IEEE Parallel and Distributed.
  30. N.M. Missirlis and F.I. Tjaferis "Parallel block methods for solving linear systems", Parallel Algorithms and Applications, vol. 4, No. 384, (to appear).
  31. N.M. Missirlis and N.G. Gaitanos "Extensions of the Ostrowski- Reich Theorem", Linear Algebra and Its Applications.
  32. N.M. Missirlis "A parallel iterative method for solving a class of linear systems", Proceedings of the International Conference "Parallel Computing 83", edit. M. Feilmeier, G. Joubert and U. Schendel, 181- 189, North-Holland, 1984.
  33. N.M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans "A second order iterative scheme siutable for parallel implementation", Proceedings of the Fifth IMACS International Symposium on "Computer methods for partial differential equations", (Parallel Computers Session), Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, 203-206, June 1984.
  34. M. Hatzopoulos and N.M. Missirlis "Advantages for solving linear systems in an asynchronous environment", Proceedings of the International Congress on "Computational and Applied Mathematics", Luven, Belgium, July 1984.
  35. D.J. Evans and N.M. Missirlis "Iterative algorithms for use in parallel computers", Proceedings of the International 84 Athens Conference on "Modelling and Simulation", Athens, June, 1984.
  36. N.M. Missirlis and F. Tjaferis "Parallel Matrix Factorizations on a shared memory MIMD computer", Supercomputing '87 1st International Conference, June 8-12, Athens, 1987, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 297, 926 - 937.
  37. A. Gerasoulis, N.M. Missirlis, I. Nelken and R.L. Peskin "Implementing Gauss Jordan on a Hypercube Multiprocessor", third conference on hypercube concurrent computers and applications, California Institute of Technology, February 1988 (Proceedings published by ACM).
  38. D.J. Evans and N.M. Missirlis "Preconditioned iterative methods for the numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations", in Preconditioning theory for the numerical solution of partial differential equations, edit., D. J. Evans, Gordon and Breach Science Publ., 115-177, 1983.
  39. N.M. Missirlis "Iterative methods for sparse linear equations: Some recent developments", in Sparsity and its Applications, edit., D. J. Evans, Cambridge University Press, 113-135, 1985.
  40. E.F. Botta and A.E.P. Veldman, "On local relaxation methods and their application to convection-diffusion equations'', J. Comput. Phys. , 48 (1981), pp. 127-149.
  41. L.A. Boukas, "Parallel Iterative methods for solving Partial Differential Equations on MIMD multiprocessors'', Ph.D Thesis (in preparation).
  42. L.W. Ehrlich, "An Ad-Hoc SOR Method'', J. Comput. Phys. , 42 (1981), pp. 31-45.
  43. L.W. Ehrlich, "The Ad-Hoc SOR method: A local relaxation scheme, in elliptic Problem Solvers II'', Academic Press , New York, 1984, pp. 257-269.
  44. L.A. Hageman and D.M. Young, "Applied Iterative Methods'', Academic Press , New York, 1981.
  45. C.-C.J. Kuo, B.C. Levy and B.R. Musicus, "A local relaxation method for solving elliptic PDE's on mesh-connected arrays'', SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. , 8 (1987), pp. 530-573.
  46. N.M. Missirlis and D.J. Evans, "The Extrapolated Successive Overrelaxation (ESOR) method for consistently ordered matrices'', Intern. J. Math. and Math. Sciences , 7, No. 2 (1984), pp. 361-370.
  47. N.M. Missirlis, "Convergence theory of extrapolated iterative methods for a certain class of non-symmetric linear systems'', Numerisch Mathematik , 45 (1984), pp. 447-458
  48. S.V. Patankar, "Numerical Heat Tranfer and Fluid Flow'', Washington : Hemisphere , 1980.
  49. P.S. Roache "Computational Fluid Dynamics'', Albuquerqne, New Mexico : Hermosa , 1972.
  50. J.M. Ortega and R. G. Voight, "Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Vector and Parallel Computers'', SIAM , Philadelphia, 1985.
  51. R.S. Varga, "Matrix Iterative Analysis'', Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall , 1962.
  52. M. Young, "Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems'', New York : Academic Press , 1971.